Saturday, August 15, 2009

'eBook The Secret to a Successful Website' Full Downlaod

Here’s the million-dollar question:
“What is the secret to a successful website?”
I’n not foolish enough to suggest a single answer. However in my
decade of working on client websites I have noticed a recurring
pattern. The sites that succeed are those that have a well informed,
passionate website owner at the helm. No single thing makes a site
successful, but a good website owner will put into place the elements
that give a site a fighting chance.

The question should not be “What is the secret to a successful
website?” but “How do I become a great website owner?”
No definitive manual exists explaining how to do the job. What does
it mean to be a website owner and how can it be done successfully?
Clik here for full download ebooks 'the secret to a successful website'

Size : 14.55 MB
Type : eBook / PDF
Pages : 286

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